Western Sound meets Aggressive Electronic Noise, falling in between Mouth of Ash and Tears of the Moosechaser
A delicate blending of western lore, Cowboys and Indians, Boomtowns and empty prairie woven into a blanket of alien noise interference and sonic manipulations of acoustic instruments.
The west was founded by pioneering spirits and such a legacy should be preserved and pushed forward into tomorrow.
Mesquite Treason speaks with a voice of rebellion, challenging convention and status quo. both earthy and experimental.
Mesquite Treason
The Fire's End
(9 March 2016 )
Mesquite Treason
Shadows Of The Wind
(Prerelease - 19 August 2013 )
Mesquite Treason
Etudes In Construction Of Timbre
(14 February 2013)
Mesquite Treason
Blood Meridian
(14 October 2011)